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The Lowell Mason House is excited to sponsor a competition for music educators that recognizes excellence in teaching music in a virtual, online environment. We are calling for music educators to submit their very best lesson plan for teaching music in an online, virtual environment. The pandemic of 2020 has demonstrated the need for music teachers to be prepared to teach in virtual online sessions that are both engaging and enriching for students at all levels. Lowell Mason, who believed that it was important for every child to be taught music in order for them to reap the therapeutic health and wellness benefits of the power of music, would want to make sure that any instruction of music at all, no matter through what medium, should be of high quality and substance. Teaching music through the computer is just another vehicle for delivering quality music education.


The Lowell Mason House “Call for Virtual Lesson Plans” invites all music educators, whether presently working in the field, preparing as future music educators at the college level, or retired music educators to submit their very best lesson plan by emailing it to between November 1, 2020 and January 1, 2021. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of judges at the collegiate level in music educators and the top three winners will be announced on January 8, 2021, Lowell Mason’s 229th birthday. All reviewed submissions will be placed on a special Google Drive where music educators may search for ideas for musical virtual lesson plans.


The top three winners will each receive a $2,000.00 prize for their work.


Each applicant should only send one of their very best virtual learning music lesson plans. The lesson plan must be completely original and NOT be based upon a commercially available lesson plan that may be copied/purchased online. Each lesson plan will be judged upon the following criteria: Originality/Creativity; Excitement; Student Engagement Potential; Potential for Successful, Measurable Learning; and Age-Appropriateness for the identified level of students for whom it was written: pre-school, elementary, middle, secondary, college, or adult learning. Each applicant agrees to allow the Lowell Mason House to place his/her lesson plan submission on the special Google Drive linked to its public website.






The Lowell Mason House “Call for Virtual Lesson Plans” promises to be an exciting program designed to engage music educators at all levels. We look forward to the incoming submissions as we do our part to facilitate the quality of music education for all even through this most difficult of pandemic times! 

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