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The Lowell Mason House was founded in October of 2010 when a group of concerned Medfield citizens and music educators from around the country came together with the desire to preserve the house and legacy of Lowell Mason the Father of Music Education in America. Within months we generated enough support and organized to secure a new location for the house and move it before demolition by a local developer to town owned land next to Hinckley Pond.


The Mission of the Lowell Mason House is to create and program an active space for music making, music and arts education advocacy and historical preservation within the original structure of the Lowell Mason birthplace.


The Lowell Mason House will be a major cultural hub. It will serve as a landmark honoring Lowell Mason, while advocating for the importance of music education, and offer a diverse selection of music instruction and performance in facilities that encourage artistic expression and strengthen the value of the arts in the community.

A Distinct Identity:

Our vision:


Building an up-to-date rehearsal and performance space which will include music technology and recording facilities., as well as a historical collections showcase.


Restoring and preserving the house to showcase historical items of Lowell Mason, including our growing collection of over 40 papers, images and Lowell Mason possessions, many of which have been digitized for the public good by Digital Commonwealth.







All cultivated within the home of the Father of Music Education, and fueled by a living endowment, fulfilling Lowell Mason’s dream that: “Children must be taught music as they are taught to read.”

Even before the house is usable, we have been working on developing innovative programming to benefit the community. Working with local music educator, Keith Curbow, the Lowell Mason House has developed “Music for Life; A life of Music”: a program designed to give students with disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds some skills and tools necessary to modulate the effects of stressful life circumstances through yoga and through music making. The workshops teach the kids how to use yoga breathing techniques to both improve their musical performance and also to deal with the stresses they encounter every day in their school, neighborhoods and with their peers. To date, some 8 sessions serving 350 students have been completed.



Lowell Mason is revered by music educators nationwide. The Lowell Mason House has received generous financial support from many of the state music educator associations across the country. We would like to acknowledge the following groups for their support over the past year.

State Music Educator Associations:
California Music Educators Association
Delaware Music Educators Association
Florida Music Educators Association (in honor of Judy Bowers, PhD)
Iowa Music Educators Association
Kansas Music Educators Association
Kentucky Music Educators Association
Massachusetts Music Educators Association
Massachusetts Music Educators Association, Central District
Montana Music Educators Association
New England Music Festival Association
New Hampshire Music Educators Association
New Jersey Music Educators Association
New York State School Music Association
North Dakota Music Educators Association
Ohio Music Education Association
Pennsylvania Music Educators Association
Tennessee Music Education Association

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©2024 by Lowell Mason House

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